Membangun manusia seutuhnya dengan fokus pada Kristus sehingga menghasilkan lulusan yang beriman, berilmu dan memiliki karakter Kristiani serta mendatangkan damai sejahtera bagi diri sendiri dan sesama manusia.
Developing the full person with emphasis on Christ in order to generate graduates who are obidient, informed and possess Christian values, as well who promote harmony among themselves and other people.
- Menumbuh kembangkan sikap dan perilaku religius sesuai ajaran iman Kristen.
- Menumbuh kembangkan budaya ingin tahu, gemar belajar, menganalisis, kerja keras, melakukan percobaan, kreatif, berdikari, bekerjasama, saling menghargai, disiplin dan jujur.
- Developing religious attitudes and behavior according to the teachings of the Christian faith.
- Growing up cultivating a culture of curiousity, loves to learn, analyze, hard work, do the experiment, be creative, stand up, cooperate, and respect each other, discipline and honesty.